High Perplexity Score in GPT Zero


What is a high perplexity score in GPT Zero?

If you get a high perplexity score in GPT Zero, this means that the text you entered was most possibly written by a human rather than generated by an AI. This is because the text written by a human is less predictable compared to AI-generated content. It makes sense because predicting the actions of a computer program is easier than predicting human behavior.

Is a high perplexity good or bad?

A higher perplexity (lower chance of AI-generated content) is better unless the situation demands otherwise. When writing content for your website or school assignment, obviously you would want to take credit for it. That can’t happen if someone pastes the text on GPTZero and it gets detected as content written by AI.

Keep reading to find out how to bypass GPT zero by increasing perplexity in your content.

About GPTZero:

GPTZero is a tool developed to identify text created by AI instead of humans. Its creators were interested in addressing concerns about machine-generated content being passed off as original work. The goal is for GPTZero to spot when machines, not people, did the writing.

GPTZero first launched in early 2023 thanks to Edward Tian, a student at Princeton. While many saw value in its efforts against academic dishonesty, some argued it wasn’t perfect and false alarms could be problematic, especially for serious issues like schoolwork assessment.

How does GPT work?

GPTZero examines text in two key ways. “Perplexity” gauges unpredictability – whether sentences seem more randomly constructed than AI-generated content. “Burstiness” compares similarities between sentences, where humans tend to vary phrasing more often.

Educators have hoped GPTZero could aid in catching plagiarized AI submissions. Princeton itself has debated adopting it, with differing opinions. GPTZero also partners with teachers’ unions.

Is GPT Zero Accurate?

Testing shows that GPTZero achieves impressive accuracy but not without faults. False accusations are a concern, wrongly signaling innocent work as offensive. Ultimately, flawlessly differentiating human and AI writing remains challenging. The technology warrants careful consideration before high-stakes use. So, the question of exactly how accurate is GPT Zero? GPT Zero’s accuracy is somewhat debatable. Different AI tools use different languages and training data. Content generated by an AI might not be detected as AI whereas content written by a human might. Ultimately, these concerns are very rare and GPTZero is very accurate, but not 100%.

How to Bypass GPT Zero?

GPTZero detects AI content by matching the text with known AI patterns. I’m going to show you a few GPT Zero Bypass methods.

  1. Rewriting:

If you are good at writing then all you need to do is read through the content generated by an AI, switch words with their respective synonyms, and change sentence structures. This should be enough to add the required perplexity of human-written text. Use Google to search for synonyms and try rewriting sentences entirely in your own words. Try to examine the pattern of the generated text and change it.

  • Rewriting by AI:

Rewriting using AI does not mean having an AI rewrite AI-generated content. The correct way to do this is to research the topic you want to write about. Copy some general information about the topic (don’t worry, we won’t plagiarize anything), this will be used to feed the AI with some information to avoid having the AI use its “creativity” and make stuff up. Yes, most AI models have been known to generate factually incorrect information for stuff it does not know about.

After you have the information you “found”, paste it into the AI and tell it to generate specific paragraphs (like an introductory paragraph or a conclusion) according to the information you provided. Also, tell it to use a specific tone like casual, friendly, professional, etc. Doing this can get the AI to avoid using its usual content-generating patterns.

Note: Doing this can greatly reduce the AI probability counter in GPTZero.

Need a step-by-step guide? Follow this tested method on how to bypass GPT Zero:

  1. Go to poe.com and create a free account
  2. In the official bots section, select the “web-search” AI
  3. Ask a question about your topic the same way you would if you were using Google
  4. Copy the content generated by the AI
  5. On the left side panel, click “your bots” and select Claude-Instant – Make sure you selected the free version and not Claude-Instant-100k
  6. Paste the content into the Claude-Instant AI and tell the AI to generate specific paragraphs using a specific writing tone and to avoid plagiarism
  7. Add or remove sentences and use synonyms where ever you can – This is important to completely avoid plagiarism so you don’t leave your fate to an AI
How to use GPT Zero:

GPTZero is free and easy to use. Go to gptzero.me and create a free account. Free users get to make 100 AI detections of a maximum of 5000 characters each per day. This should be more than enough for the average user. Copy and paste your text in to the text box on the website and click “Check Origin”.


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